When the television show debuted in the mid-90's, it was a breakthrough hit, especially for HBO. Finally, in between the Playboy channel and ESPN, women had a show of their own they could relate to, without the emotional distress that the Lifetime channel gives women. I respected the fact that the show portrayed women who were successful in their own right, and didn't need a man to give their life meaning (big plus) while adding the single woman's accessory (the gay man) right along next to her designer handbag and shoes. Even with the women taking the show on their own turf, the men of course played a significant role - the relationships. The meat and potatoes so to speak of Carrie's column, Sam's life, Charlotte's problems, and Miranda's pessimism. Not to mention, the men were HOT.
Needless to say, when the show ended in 2004, I was left wondering if they would do a reunion, or if I would be doomed to watching PG versions on network television..or the on-demand HBO episodes (thank god for DVR!) Then, something amazing happened - talks of a movie happened! Though this isn't the long-standing season I wanted and the Big-Carrie relationship that I loved following so much, but hey, it was something. Unfortunately, the show that prided itself on the city of New York has now planned to open in Paris. I understand that Paris is a big fashion industry and whatnot, but what the fuck?
If I am not mistaken, Paris was one of the biggest mistakes the lead character, Carrie, did in the show. She left with that crazy-ass Russian (who I HATED) and ended up being left alone and getting hit. It's okay though, he was an asshole and Big would have kicked his ass if Carrie had allowed. (Man, do I love Mr. Big) Though Big had his asshole-y moments, he was the only one worthy enough to be one of the leading men. The Steve-Miranda relationship never really worked for me (and now knowing that she was a lesbian faking all the big dick talk kind of killed it) Sam-Smith are cute but let's face it, he's young and inexperienced but he has a good heart (hopefully Sam didn't let him go) and Harry-Charlotte are the black sheep of the show, only there to keep it all balanced. Carrie and Big are the basis of everything Sex and the City! If she doesn't end up with him (let's face it...her history with men sucked...Aiden was a dick, Berger was emotionally unavailable, that Bon Jovi character had problems..) it's going to be a big blow to the show. But of course, we all kind of know in the back of our minds that they will be together...
What really gets me is the fact that all the drama between the girls (so-called BFF's?) is what has held off the making of the movie all of these years. They all hated on SJP for being the spotlight character...but what did they think? Honestly, the narrator of the show is going to get the spotlight...not the sex fiend, the narcissist-turned lesbian, or the doormat. That's just the way the cookie crumbles. Although from the outsider perspective, while not on the set of Sex and the City, SJP's acting skills are somewhat bleak. For example her Oprah appearance really threw me for a loop. If your syntax sucks, don't talk off set especially if you are playing a witty manizer. Maybe that's just me though.
With all the bad, there is still a TON of anticipation for this movie, especially for me. Well, there was until I saw the previews. Is it just me, or does Chris Noth look like he got some MAJOR botox on his face? He didn't look like the Big I fell in love with during the show. Sure, it's been 4 years...but like what...? two years ago he played in that god-awful Hillary Duff film about being the Perfect Man or some mess like that and he looked absolutely gorgeous...WHAT HAPPENED? I hope it was just my computer screen or that whole attraction will be done for me, and that would suck. Along with that, there was a ton of speculation about someone dying by the end of the film. To me if it's not another one of Charlotte's babies (hey, sometimes miscarriage can be funny...can't really see Charlotte dealing with a crazy kid) then it's unnecessary. Why would you kill off a character? Is Sam's cancer in remission? Why does it look like on the trailer that Carrie leaves at the alter? Did Steve cheat on Miranda? Did Carrie push Big away? Again? Hopefully these questions can be answered in the movie...but with all the scores from the seasons that need to be settled, this movie could easily be 5-7 hours (which I would totally be fine with.)
So now with the countdown to Sex and the City the Movie at 18 days, I'm hoping it's worth the wait and worth the $9.00 I'm going to have to shell out just to see it. Unlike other films, this one can't be seen after it comes out on DVD. I think it would be interesting if Cynthia Nixon's character would have turned lesbian on Steve in the show/movie...could have really turned it up a notch. I dunno, that's just me...I just cannot wait for the movie!
Please with all that is holy, do not make this movie shitty.
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