As the Democratic race for the Presidential hopeful is winding down, it's looking like a fight to the death for Clinton. After losing key states, she is finally coming back and showing Obama (and the rest of the world) that she's not going to back down even when people tell her she needs to quit. I think the critics need to give her credit where credit is due, and ultra-conservatives seem to dump on her and call her such unique names as "bitch" and "cunt" except that they do not realize taking cheap shots isn't going to keep her down. As for Obama, he is nothing short of a conspiracy. The younger people (except for me) want him because he's "hip and fresh" and appeals to the more liberal side of the party. Being that I am about as far left as I can get and still voting for Clinton, I hope my generation knows what they are getting into. Obama is the least-experienced, least likely to get anything done, and least of what America needs right now.
There are many things to say about the Democratic race, especially to the naysayers who don't think there's much of a chance for Clinton with the delegates counted, but just look at the popular vote. More republicans are switching parties just for the fact that they don't want to see McCain's scraggly ass in the WH, only to collapse within a week because he is too overwhelmed. We need someone strong and someone with experience that will get things done, and Clinton is the only one who meets those requirements. I think it is really depressing to see that people can't look past her being a female. Honestly, if Clinton was a man (not Bill though) I am sure he would be voted in as fast as you can say "democracy" and be handed a bonus check and a stack of hundred dollar bills to wipe his ass with.
It's really sad to see that we are still so prejudiced against our own people even in today's society where we preach freedom and all that hoopla. A white man can come into presidency and fuck it up so bad that we are in a national hole, yet a white woman or black man can't come in without a fight just because of their race/gender. What the fuck? Listen up and listen good, this isn't the 60's and 70's anymore, and segregation is long gone. We've seen many minorities do great things (I don't have to list them...too many!) and yet we can't see them taking on a responsibility that has become nothing more than a joke in the past decades. Seriously, the job could be done by a monkey better than GWB has done in the past 8 years, and I am not exaggerating...though I wish I was.
So America, what are we so afraid of? I mean the only way this country can go is up...and no matter who we choose from the Democratic side, we are going to have our ups and downs. No one can be perfect, and I definitely don't expect it to be, but I expect a president with some effort here. I expect someone who cares about what is really important in the world right now, and not just some side step who wants to keep fighting a pointless war. YES I SAID IT. A pointless war. That's all this is anymore. We've done what we needed to do, and we've been idle since we caught Hussein. Bin Laden wants nothing to do with us anymore, we need to move on to the problems here at home. Our poverty level is exceeding what anyone thought it ever would, not to mention our environmental issues that SERIOUSLY need to be addressed. Oh, and health care anyone? We need to quit fucking around with other countries before we end up like them..
Pick Clinton. Pick Obama. I don't give a shit, just pick a Democrat. It's time we finally get in there and clean up this mess. We need a strong-willed person who is ready to clean up all the shit that GWB's camp has left for us, and we need someone to really start using their brain rather than their ego. I fear if another man gets in (even if Obama is pussy-whipped and a bit of a bitch) his ego is going to turn this whole nation into another arm's race for something we don't need to be involved in. Women understand that we don't need to be the leader of everything...that's why we aren't power hungry to fuck everyone else's day up just for a cup of mocha-skim latte at the local Starbucks. I understand politics are dirty and nothing good comes from them, but why does it have to be that way? Seriously, let's stop the bullshit already and actually do something credible to make us a Country worth knowing. It's time to quit making enemies and start making allies, or else we are just going to be another WWII Germany looking for help and no one is going to give a shit.
We've only got 4 months left of this atrocious WH, let's make the best of it and plan for the future.