I have to say, when something in the news comes up about Pink Floyd, I am immediately drawn to it. This one had some symbolism for me, especially in the fact that it deals with my FAVORITE Pink Floyd songs, "Pigs (Three Different Ones) The 11 minute anti-socialist tirade of Roger Waters is probably the one and only reason why I don't think he is a complete mind-controlling dick, and thankfully for him, he's got the only voice for the song (except he plays nothing like Gilmour.)
Anyway, so at one of his concerts in California, Waters was playing a rendition of "Pigs" when one of the most well-known symbols of Pink Floyd (the pig) was flying in the air. Apparently it had some rubbish about voting for Obama (I wouldn't expect much more from Waters) and then some witty phrase about not being imprisoned or something or other, but that isn't important. Anyway, so some smart guy decided to let the pig go during the show, and two lucky neighbors of the arena got pieces of the pig draped in their yard. They are lucky because the bitches get to split $10k because the pig was found (I'll let Waters drop a fucking bomb on my house as long as I get some money and I get to meet the band...and tell them what idiots they are for being stubborn.)
Honestly though, Pink Floyd is lucky enough to still have all of its original members (-Syd cos he was cracked out from the beginning...it was amazing he lasted as long as he did) and yet they still need to hold a grudge to prove a point. Well, when I say they, I mean Roger. He felt the need to be the greedy bitch when writing the songs and creating the atmosphere, I don't blame Gilmour, Wright, and Mason for dumping his ass after the "Wall." I just think it's time Waters puts his tail between his legs and gives the fans what they want - a reunion while they all still can. Let's face it, they aren't getting any younger, and as much as I would have loved to have seen David Gilmour in his sexiness prime, I can't...but I will settle for the powder-white haired pudgy guitar god over nothing any day. They are all still extremely successful (Waters on his own, G/W/M on tour) and they all can still walk...how long do we have to wait? I think the god's guitar solos will lose their flare if he's strapped to a wheelchair, but that's just me.
To point something out though, there is MAJOR speculation that the band will be reuniting in 2009 for a tour (PLEASPLEASEPLEASE COME TO THE UNITED STATES) Seriously, if they come remotely close to Pittsburgh, I would sell all my ovaries and my body 10-fold just to see them in concert. You may laugh and think to yourself that I am joking, but I shit you not. I would drop out of college and use my school loans just to see them play one set. This is history we are talking about here. If these rumors are false, I will be totally fucking pissed, and want to cry. I'm watching the Live 8 reunion they had in 2006 and it is beautiful, except for Waters' blatant attempts to steal the stage repeatedly (too bad godly Gilmour ain't nothing to fuck with.) I applaud his efforts though. I guess even still, if G/M/W came around these parts, I would settle to see them without Waters...though his voice is distinctive, yet his defining crazy-ass face isn't deformed anymore. Touche.
As some of you may have seen on youtube, there is a particular scene in the David Gilmour documentary when he and the others are recording in the same studio that (by coincidence...which i think is a load of shit) Waters is as well. Gilmour and Waters exchange embraces, and when you see them shake hands, the stance is FREAKISHLY identical to the cover of their album "Wish You Were Here." Then when they are leaving, Waters says "we shall meet again..." That particular scene gave me the chills, and only something truly great could make that happen. Say what you will, but the essence of Pink Floyd is something NO one can match or prevail over. They are the epitome of the psychedelic and British invasion of the 60's, and have culminated into this group of pure devotion and greatness. Nothing in the music industry (except maybe for the mop-tops of the Beatles) is more familiar than the rainbow prism off of their album "Dark Side of the Moon" and no song is more heartfelt in the minds of angsty kids than "Another Brick in the Wall Pt. 2. Their music speaks volumes and has carried over for more than 4 decades. That truly says something.
Even still, truth must be told. Pink Floyd may have been founded by Syd, but Pink Floyd would have been NOTHING without Gilmour. Of course we have the Waters camp and the Gilmour camp to who emulated the band more, but as Waters may have been the poet, Gilmour was the god of all guitar solos. Nothing proves this more than the solos in "Comfortably Numb" (yet another one of my favorites.) Although I have never been to a Gilmour or Waters show, I have seen their respective concerts on television and on the internet, and it is clearly visible that the Pink Floyd sound is all Gilmour - even in his solo albums. Though he tried so hard to break his own barrier on his album "On An Island," he still has everything Pink Floyd had - whereas Waters' voice is so broken from its overuse over the years, and there's only so much a bass player can do. His back up band does everything it can to make it close to the sound, but it's just not Floyd. I don't even consider Syd to be a real part of Pink Floyd. I mean sure, he had some great musical talent, but it was so much different than the Gilmour-era, that the two aren't even comparable. Don't get me wrong, I love everything about the band, but there are just some things that can not be ignored. Case-and-point - the most godlike person I've ever seen would have to be Gilmour. Gilmour is grace, poise, and talent. Gilmour is what makes Pink Floyd timeless.
Time to start scheduling a reunion tour!